Sunday, May 24, 2015

Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Patch
Hello Everybody it's been another awesome Strawberries picking week in Moncks Corner! We just finished picking Strawberries for our P-day fun! It was so fun and beautiful! Everyday in South Carolina is beautiful. Cool thing just happened at the strawberry patch! The owner told us that she had always wanted to hear about what the Mormons believed. We told her a little bit about us and gave her a Book of Mormon and she wants us to come over for a lesson!! It was awesome! You just never know who you are going to meet, even on P-day! 
This week has been good. We have been doing A LOT of office work this week because of the addition to the area. Our area is HUGE. We love it though. The Elder's area is SO NICE. There is a huge, beautiful lake in the middle of it! We are loving it. Sister Swanson is the best. I have the best companion. I hope I keep lucking out! 
It's been a good week. We met this great lady named Betty, we found her walking to an appointment. She said she was feeling really depressed and she felt a hole in her chest. She said it was aching. We read a scripture in the Book of Mormon (Jacob 3: 1-2) and she said that the hole wasn't as bad in her chest. She felt so much better. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she hugged it. The Book of Mormon heals people. I have seen it many times. We can't wait to go back and teach her! 
Dan also passed the sacrament for the first time this week! It was so neat to see. He looked SO happy. We love Dan!
I love guys so much!! Thank you for your prayers. 
Favorite Quote of the week: "Nothing else, no other choice we make, can make of us what He can." -Thomas S. Monson

Love Laura,

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